Sunday, June 8, 2008

Presidential Debate by Proxy

Kerry for Obama, Graham for McCain on This Week. I've always thought that Graham was engaging and sharp. Got that homey drawl and them folksy ways, but still one smart feller.

Kerry, on the other hand, just can't help himself: he's arch, plodding, stentorian, and...well, he's Kerry. So I was inclined to just give the match to Graham by default,Tivo past it, and spare myself the pain and disappointment.

But for my money Kerry edged out Graham in spite of being Kerry. Why? It's all in the material, baby. Yes, Kerry was Kerry. Monolithic, monotonic, perfectly coiffed, and vaguely offputting. But he had the goods: he had the Obama plan and the McCain record to work with.

And so did Graham. When you're out there arguing that we need to keep tax cuts for rich people permanent, that our health care system is fine just the way it is, that a 90% voting-with-Bush record is somehow "maverick," and that we need to cut government spending for domestic programs while continuing to blow a gajillion a week in Iraq...well, then even Kerry can kick your ass.

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