Sunday, June 15, 2008

Diarrhea! Diarrhea!

I've just updated my website with my most recent lecture to residents and faculty, and so this seems as good a time as any to tell all the thousands of people who don't read my blog that I have a bunch of teaching materials online. You can find my medicine and science-related materials at, under the heading Quantum Meat. There are three kinds of Quantum Meat at my site: Classic Meat (general science articles and presentations, mostly from my days at Neverworlds), Rat Meat (related to my cerebral resuscitation research) and Medical Meat (emergency medicine teaching materials). The most recent lectures on Medical Meat are about diarrhea. I gave a talk on acute diarrheal illness to the residents and faculty in February, and in the course of that presentation mentioned that the approach to diarrhea in AIDS patients was "a whole other lecture."

Great, said the chief resident. When will give us this whole other lecture?

Emergency Medicine Residents are like bottomless pits. They require constant feeding, attention, supervision, love, teaching, pizza and, in my opinion, regular beatings. Apparently, they thrive on potty humor. And when they ask for another lecture you can't say no. Not if you want them to grow up big and strong.

Anyway, here's Diarrhea Part II. It's a powerpoint file, a few Mb, and can be viewed online in Explorer or in Powerpoint. Enjoy.

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