Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fair and Balanced Fox Fires Fairly Unbalanced Fox

After she suggested that the dap Michelle gave Barack on the night he won the nomination was some sort of super-secret terrorist fist bump (no doubt Al-Qaeda Manchurian double-agent code for: Osama--we're in), E.D. Hill, a member of Fox's Stepford Stable of Distinctly Aryan Anchors and the host of America's Pulse, was forced to apologize. The apology itself is a thing of beauty for its own ugly little genre, neatly associating the word terrorist with Obama by apologizing for...associating the word terrorist with Obama. The "moving right along" moment is also nicely done. And, damn, she looks good doing it, doesn't she?

Apparently, however, neither the conspicuous leg nor the non-apology-apology did the trick--Hill lost her show, but will continue to serve Fox "in a capacity to be determined." I'll just let that one go by. I will say, in all fairness, that I actually think the lady has a point when she pleads that she was just reporting on what others had said, and I'm not sure she deserved to lose her show. I'll also admit that when it comes to Fox, schadenfreude overwhelms my sense of fairness every time. I'm always happy to see Faux step in it.

To celebrate, I offer this:


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